Ahmet Tuncay SAGUN
Istanbul Exporters' Association of Aquaculture and Animal Products Group President
www.tuncaysagun.com.trDear Business Partners and Employees of Kemal Balıkcilik,
The year of 2023 is going to be a very important and significant year for Turkey. 100th Anniversary of our Republic and a date which crucial targets have been aimed for as a country and which the entire nation is waiting for with bated breath and pride. We share this common thrill as a company with all of our staff and looking forward to that day.
Most probably, the biggest goal determined for 2023 is the will to realize an export volume of 500 Billion Dollars until 2023. Location, young population, high potential of growth, export and import policies of Turkey solidifies our faith in accomplishing such goal.
I am of opinion that the performance of Turkey in exports of aquaculture products in recent years deserves all kinds of credits. For instance, when the aquaculture products exports volume of Turkey was 80 Million USD back in 2000, this amount has been raised up to 448 Million USD and 467 Million USD respectively in 2011 and 2012. I believe that the success of our country in the form of a peninsula surrounded on three sides by the sea is of great importanceand achieving such success is strongly influenced by the common and planned studies of our Government, Exporters' Associations and the companies in the sectorwhich are based on mutual understanding policies.
Our company is one of the leading exporters of the aquaculture sector and has been carrying on exports operations with numerous countries throughout the world over 30 years. Ever since we started exports operations, we constantly increased our exports amounts by planning our goals, strategies and investments on the basis of production and exports. We consistently appear on the 1000 Most Exporting Companies list which is published every year by Turkish Exporters Assembly and we have been granted with the award of Most Exporting Company on the Aquaculture Products and Animal Products field for the 8th time in the last 10 yearat the award ceremony which is organized every year by Istanbul Exporters Association.
Currently, we have production facilities in Adana, Antalya, Ipsala, Izmir, Sinop and Tekirdag. Both sea bream and sea bass and bluefish tuna farms are situated in Izmir. All of our facilities and our boat have export licensesfor European Union Countries.Our IFS, BRC and ISO Certificated facilities and GlobalGap Certificated farms are only some of the examples of our trust in dignity and success.
Sea bream and sea bass are our relatively new export items. Those items shall increase their shares in our export operations in 2013 and further years. Our facility in Antalya carries importance in terms of fresh, frozen and processed trout exports. Export of top shells from Sinop, frogs from İpsala and processed and marinated products from Tekirdağ will carry on. Wild mushroom and fish types will also remain in our export items.
We are an exporter company and we will continue growing on exports basis. We are aware of the importance of exports for the national economy and we are ready to play our role within the scope of the set goal.
Yours Sincerely,
Ahmet Tuncay Sagun
President of Kemal Balikcilik